Hello, and thank you for your interest in Sponsoring Dr. Claw!

This site was created as a solution to the challenges the current economy presents to one particular feline and his adoring human. As a potential sponsor, I'm sure you are curious to know a little more about the adorable kitty pictured above and the reasons behind his sponsorship site. So, lets begin with a little background information...  

Curtis (playfully nick-named "Dr. Claw") was a rescue kitten I adopted about a year and a half ago, and have been madly in love with ever since!  He is the most loving and playful cat I've ever known, and I often joke that "he thinks he's a dog" due to his dog-like tendencies (such as playing fetch and his never ending desire for belly rubs).  He's a complete momma's boy who is not content unless he is in the same room with me, and I feel the same about him! But as they say, love doesn't pay the rent...or your vet bill for that matter... and due to some interruptions in my income, I was inspired to find a way to offset the expenses of caring for my frisky little companion. 

As an employee of a freelance media industry, the next job is never guaranteed. And during periods of unemployment I must live off of the savings I obsessively put aside while working.  The anxiety of watching your savings shrink combined with the uncertainty of when your next paycheck will come puts one's expenses under extreme scrutiny and forces some tough decisions. Unable to make the numbers work based on my situation at the time, and only wanting what was best for Curtis, I once considered putting him up for adoption. The very thought broke my heart, of course, and I immediately dismissed the thought.  Some might say it came from a selfish place, but in truth it just didn't make sense to search for another loving home for him when he already has one.  Especially when considering the number of animals out there in need of adoption that are currently being bounced around between shelters, foster homes, and the streets.  But then an idea occurred to me: why not appeal to the collective conscious of cat and animal lovers to sponsor Curtis through small donations or other forms of support?  Thus the creation of this site.

"So, what does Curtis need and how can I help?"  You may be asking yourself.

With the basics of food, medication/healthcare, and litter expenses, I estimate the annual cost of caring for him to be around $1080/year.  This is a fairly intimidating number when your future sources of income --and the periods between them-- are unknown.  But the number becomes very small and attainable when considering the great impact even the smallest contributions through this site will make. And that's where you come in!  If you are still with me, and still interested in lending a paw, there are two ways you can contribute:

1) Sponsor Dr. Claw By Making a Donation 
Donating via the secure pay-pal donation button below will directly help fund his basic needs such as food, litter, and medical expenses.  Any and every little bit will help, even if only a dollar!


2) Browse his Blog and Share it With Your Friends
By utilizing Google AdSense to add relevant advertisements to Dr. Claw's blog, we have the opportunity to earn a little extra money based on the number of visitors we get.  And I do mean very little extra, but even if it amounts to a bag of cat food after a year's time, it would prove well worth-while!